Florist Directory
Here you will find florists who have pledged to support local flower farms whenever possible and who use their artistry to build community. You will find many of them on our Certified Growers page as well, as they are farmer-florists.
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~ Farmer-Florist ~
A Lavender Garden
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~ Farmer-Florist ~

Bailey’s Blooms
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Bloomed Life Floral
I'm Heather Dawn, and I am passionate about roses. My husband and I acquired thirteen acres of land in 2019, and I began creating Utah’s first large-scale field-grown garden rose farm. Our team is made up of flower lovers from all over the valley, united by our passion for the outdoors, community, and leaving the earth better than we found it. We're happy to get our hands dirty and know that hard work pays off, in the garden and life. We don't take shortcuts and we know that by helping build a community of local growers and flower lovers, we can all inspire each other to live life more fully - creating a bloomed life.
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Blue Mountain Ranch
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~ Farmer-Florist ~
Flowers by Mandy
We are committed to using local Utah-grown flowers in our work. When we use local, we are supporting the environment, the economy, and consumer health. Using local also allows us to work with the highest quality blooms to create your dream wedding flowers. Our specialty is creating stunning bridal bouquet and boutonniere sets to perfectly match your wedding theme. With affordable, budget-friendly options we can meet the needs of any wedding couple. Visit our website today for pricing!
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~ Farmer-Florist ~
Honey's Mobile Flowers
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Lilias Floral Co
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North Odgen Flower Farm
Like many local flower farmers, we grow flowers that you will not find in stores. We nurture the rare, the beautiful, the simple, the native, and the challenging. Our flowers are cut fresh, and they are grown with small-town love. We are proud of our flowers because we truly love them. And I believe that shows in every blossom.
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Pastoral Floriculture
At Pastoral Floral, our farm story is a testament to our boundless passion for flowers. We cultivate a diverse array of blooms, from Dusty Miller to Zinnias, Stock, Scented Geraniums, Dahlias, and Amaranthus. Our farm is a canvas where we grow anything our hearts desire.
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Rosemary Meadows Flower Farm
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Suncrest Flowers
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Sweet Pea Farm & Orchard